The Intentional Organisation. My Presentation at Teal Around the World

During the last Teal Around the World event in July 2020, I have been able to present the concept of the Intentional Organisation.

This is not as an alternative Organisation model, but rather as a framework to design organisations between Consistency and Innovation. Based on the Organisation Evolution Framework I introduced back in February this year, I tried to move the focus towards Organisational Awareness, Intentional Design and Consistency.

The concept is still evolving also thanks to your continuous feedback. So I very much consider it still a Work In progress, open for feedback and discussions.

If you’re interested, you can also simply review the presentation deck, or read the new article “Building The Intentional Organisation” where I go through the main messages of this concept with some more detailed examples.

Thanks again for your attention!

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  1. […] present on LinkedIn) and the other one in the occasion of the Teal Around the World conference. A video of the presentation is available, as well as a consolidated deck (see […]

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