Good After Covid19 – Join the Second Fishbowl on April 8th

Good After Covid19

After the great success of the First Fishbowl, Good After Covid19 is coming back with a second event on April the 8th.

The Nine Topics to be covered.

Nine topics have emerged from the first conversation. They are topics that build on the SDGs and at the same time seem to be particularly relevant for the COVID-19 lock-down context we are living in, according to the participants. The 9 topics are:

  1. Define a new Leadership paradigm 
  2. Reinstate the real purpose of the Economy
  3. Redesign Internet for better democracies
  4. Trust science and spirituality, not power
  5. Make human essential needs accessible to everybody 
  6. Implement the Theory of Change for the SDGs
  7. Move beyond Competition vs Collaboration towards Co-opetition 
  8. Weave into an Intergenerational Pathway towards a Thriving Society
  9. Transform All Education into Issue-Based Learning

Download the first Good After Covid19 Report

You can request access to the report of the First Good After Covid19 Report directly here.

The Second Fishbowl: Good After Covid19

In the second event we will get organised across these topics, and try to answer to three critical questions:

  • 1. Is it possible to start imagining the good while the wounds are still wide open?
  • 2. How and Why the world will be different and better after COVID-19?
  • 3. How can this lock-down time accelerate positive change?

The event will have a first session in subgroups, focused on the teams that already took part in the first part of the initiative. Then a second session that will be open to the general public and will start at 2:15 CET.

Conversation starters:

  • Paul Polman – Co-founder & Chair of IMAGINE
  • Rob ten Hoedt – Senior VP and Member of the Executive Committee at Medtronic
  • Sara Roversi – Founder of Future Food Institute


  • Carlo Giardinetti – Dean of Executive Education at Franklin University Switzerland


  • Kim Polman – Co-founder and Chair at Reboot the Future

Join the event. Subscribe here below.

Join and listen to over 50 global thought leaders building up together an inspiring new narrative for our world after COVID-19 will be gone. We can make it our drawing board and it is our shared responsibility to get it started!

Nothing will be the same, everything can and should be better.

Curious about Good After Covid19? Get in Touch!

If you’re curious about the initiative and want to join or contribute, have a look at the initiative main site, or get in touch.

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