Leipzig Graduate School of Management
Kirchgeorg, M., Meynhardt, T., Pinkwart, A., Suchanek, A., & Zülch, H. (2017). Das Leipziger Führungsmodell = The Leipzig Leadership Model (2. revised and enlarged edition). Leiptig Hhl Leipzig Graduate School Of Management.

Developed by the Leipzig Graduate School of Management, the Leipzig Leadership Model is a purpose focused leadership model that includes an effectiveness aspect to it. The model is based on four foundational dimensions: purpose, entrepreneurial spirit, responsibility and effectiveness. Its core idea is to “motivates active reflection of the opportunities and fields of tension in the dimensions described” (Kirchgeorg et al., 2017).
This essentially creates a situation of Potential and Conflict across the elements:
- purpose and responsibility
- responsibility and effectiveness
- effectiveness and entrepreneurial spirit
- entrepreneurial spirit and responsibility.