YMCA. (2013). Cause-Driven Leadership (Bridgespan). YMCA. https://www.bridgespan.org/bridgespan/Images/articles/leadership-development-toolkit/ld-toolkit-yusa-cause-driven-leadership-guide-2013.pdf

YMCA is a US non-profit network organisation and has developed a competency-based model of Cause-Driven Leadership. The model comprises 18 leadership competencies (leadership knowledge, skills, and behaviours required for success in the Y) and is organized by four disciplines of leadership: a) Mission Advancement. b) Collaboration. c) Operational Effectiveness. d) Personal Growth. The model is further organised by level of leadership within the organisation, thus also reflecting the role structure identified by the organisation. Although the title of the model seems to reflect a Purpose-linked Leadership Framework, the model itself is strongly competency-based, even if some of the competencies reflect the broader Cause the YMCA stands for (especially under the Mission Advancement discipline).