After publishing my reading stats for 2019 and having now engaged in the new 2020 reading challenge, many people have asked me what my favourites management books are. As I have reviewed many books on this blog, I’ve decided to put together a list of the ones that resonated more with me and rank them. This list only picks from the ones that I have reviewed on this website, so it does not claim to be a universal list. There are more that I should consider probably (and I will in due time). You can also find this list as a Listopia list on Goodreads.

Reed Hastings and Erin Meyer

Margaret Heffernan

Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson

Witold Szablowski

Ellen Ruppel Shell

Ard-Pieter de Man, Pieter Koene and Martijn Ars

Gary Hamel and Michele Zanini

Franziska Iseli

Erin L. Kelly and Phyllis Moen

Phil Rosenzweig
Mariana Mazzucato

Gerry McGovern

David Epstein

Alfred Chandler

Joost Minnaar and Pim de Morree
How to bring back Fun at work. An exploration of what Rebel Pioneers do in transforming organisations

Bjarte Bogsnes
How can you move away from traditional budgeting cycle? This books explains how.

Morten Hansen
Exploring networking and Collaboration and how these create value in organisations.

Laszlo Bock
How Google transformed into a People Oriented organisation based on science and data.

Ed Catmull
The best book that really illustrates the importance of Culture in Organization. And being intentional in designing for creativity.

Naomi Stanford
A sleek guide to Organisation Design for Managers and HR.

Malcolm Gladwell
This book will change your mind of what human nature is with regards to strangers.

Huib Wursten
Easy to understand cultural Mental images to better work together.

Robert Kegan and Lisa Laskow Lahey
Understanding what being Deliberately Developmental truly means.

Frank J. Barrett
True organisations are about real Improvisation. This the big lesson from Jazz

Francesca Gino
Real results are often delivered by those that decide to be Rebels.

Luciano Floridi
What is that the Technology Revolution is bringing?

Matthew Syed
What is Diversity really? An entire new approach to being different.

David Lowe, James Wyllie and Jiten Vara

John Doerr
True Transformation comes only from measuring what matters. This the big lesson from OKR guru John Derr.

James Surowiecki
Is it really true that crowds are wise?

Iris Bohnet
Gender Equality doesn’t just happen: it needs intentional design.

Jacob Morgan
What is the true advantage of working on Employee Experience

Malcolm Harris

Gerald C. Kane, Anh Nguyen Phillips, Jonathan R. Copulsky, and Garth R. Andrus
Digital Transformation is not just about Technology.

Daniel Pink
What is the pushes real Motivation? Daniel Pink’s ideas get you really through this in detail

Todd Rose
We have lived in an age were Avegarianism has been rampant. Let’s understand why and move on.

Mark Manson
Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson
Simplicity can really be the best thing you want to master.
What about other books?
The above is just the list of my Top 25 Management Books. But I tend to read also a lot of other books. You can find my latest reading list and my entire library on GoodReads. On the sidebar, you can check what I am currently reading (including non-management books). And here below is my (management) reading list: the books that I plan to read next.
Book Suggestions
Feel free to suggest any book you think it is missing in the comments to this page, or directly through the Book Suggestion page.